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I’m going to be 100% honest with you.  The first 8 years of my lifting career were spent doing a lot of guesswork and listening to the wrong people about fitness. I trusted self-proclaimed fitness experts, and that was my mistake. 

Play to watch and hear HOW Jesse will help you achieve your goals.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they all had bad intentions, but the problem is the majority of other trainers and coaches out there don’t truly know what they’re doing. 

Maybe they’ve taken a class or two.  Maybe received a certification or two… But most are just parroting a program they’ve been taught. 

And even worse… They are often trying to help students be their best and reach their fitness goals – when in a lot of cases the coach hasn’t even achieved this for themselves.


Privately.  One-on-one, via comprehensive app I will guide you and teach you the same fitness formula, strength and conditioning methods, and body building techniques that have taken me many years to perfect and master.






I will be working with you one-on-one from the very beginning, and that means you’re not wasting time trying to figure out what works for you.  You will learn from everything I did right and everything I did wrong. 


Or another way to say it is I can get you to where you want to be with your body in 1/10th of the time compared to doing it on your own. 


So, how fast do you want to go?  I guess that’s the real question.



My training is a comprehensive plan that will be customized to your strengths, weaknesses, age, and body type. And the way I teach, and coach is way more than just showing you lifts and telling you what to eat.  Anyone can do that!  My training reaches you on such a deep level you will be able to teach and coach others on the subject.





















I’m not your average fitness trainer for three main reasons:


  • I take a very academic and pragmatic approach to training the human body. 


  • I have put myself through it all to be able to tell you what works and what doesn’t.


  • I trained under top figures in the fitness industry and perfected those lessons into my own approach.



For me fitness is a formula. 


I was a math major in college and utilizing those analytical skills to recognize and find patterns has become significant tool I use in my programs to manipulate and change a physique. 


My programs contain the variables, and your body is the product.  The variables get manipulated and adjusted in order to get the right result.


I’ve been there, done that.


Everything I teach comes from real experience that can’t be taught in any textbook. 


I’ve competed in and won shows in the NPC as a men’s physique competitor and later competed as a classic physique competitor.  I was also the first ever IFBB Classic Physique Pro in the world and currently ranked #5 as a natural in the world.


I will help avoid the thousands of errors you could make when working out.  A big one is avoiding injury! 


I learned from the best, and that has allowed me to deliver amazing results. I've been mentored by coaches of Olympia Winners!


I’ve learned from some of the best in the world and combined it with my own knowledge and skills to produce incredible world class results for my students. I went head-to-head with my own coach at a national show. One of his clients against one of my clients. My student took 1st place and turned pro. His client took 4th.





















Let’s be real.  It’s all about the results.  That’s why we’re here. This is what you can expect when you sign up to train with me:





CONFIDENCE - I believe and know every one of my clients can achieve the results they want. I treat EVERY student as if they are a world champion!  Working together like this will instill such a confidence in you that no obstacle will be too challenging to overcome in order to attain the results you want.


TIME AND ATTENTION - I take the time to get to know each and every one of my clients before developing their customized fitness programs. What you learn will not only bring out the champion in you, but you will develop life-long, priceless, and healthy habits that will improve every area of your life.


LESS PAIN AND INJURY - I practiced for many years as a massage therapist.  This gives me an edge on understanding the human anatomy and the ability to instruct my students on flexibility, injury recovery, how to protect their body from injuries, and proper body maintenance.


LESS FAT & MORE MUSCLE – Our workouts will be intense.  We will push you to your limits, so don’t sign up if you’re not ready to go fast and go hard.  You’ll see the lbs. melt away, and the muscle definition start to appear within a few weeks. 


MORE ENERGY & BETTER SLEEP – Working out with my programs will bring about a noticeable difference in your energy levels.  When your body is active and getting the nutrition it needs, you’ll feel great and sleep like a rock.


STAGE READY - When it comes to competitions, I know not only how to get your body in the best shape possible, I understand the competition aspect of bodybuilding as well.  I know how to hide weaknesses and bring out your strengths!


STRONGER MIND - Getting to the top or achieving your best physique takes just as much mental toughness as it does physical toughness.  You have to be disciplined, relentless, motivated, and knowledgeable if you ever want to have a chance of being number one.  I work with your mind, body, and your breathwork to get the best and fastest results.


HAPPINESS – Working out on a regular basis AND seeing the results of your hard work does a few things for you.  First, it will lead to less anxiety and depression.  Second, it will improve your attitude and overall demeaner.  You’ll be much calmer and feel in control.  And last, you’ll just have a better overall quality of life. 


FAST RESULTS – We are going to work hard, eat right, train right, recover right, and that means you’ll see results faster.  Whether you’re just trying to lose some weight and get into better shape, or trying to get stage ready, I will help you reach your goals in 1/10th the time you would on your own.






85% of my students who have completed my advanced, longer duration packages in a committed and consistent manner go on to not only achieve their original goals, they surpass their goals and reach fitness levels they never thought possible.


Now, success is not guaranteed.  I can’t force you to do anything.  But with me, the chances are pretty darn good. 





If you think my prices are expensive, think again! A traditional one-on-one trainer in a gym cost upwards of 5x my rates.  And with those trainers you only get a workout.  No training plan, no meal plan, no holistic health coaching, no mind and breathwork coaching, no accountability, none of that stuff.  For a fraction of their price, I’m providing a full-scale, comprehensive fitness training program that will deliver 10x better results.


Your personally designed coaching programs come in 3-month, 6-month, or 1-year packages depending on individual needs.


What you get in one year of working with me is equivalent to my 10 years of guesswork and trial and error.  It took me years to perfect this system, and you’ll be the one to benefit from all that hard work that I’ve already put into this.


Regardless of the package you pick, working with me will give you all the tools you need to live a healthy lifestyle, apply the tricks that will keep your metabolism burning strong, and have you training like a veteran trainee. 





Comprehensive Coaching Packages

All of our coaching packages include personalized workout plans, customized nutritional guidance, daily accountability via our app, weekly check-ins for progress assessments, and 24/7 support from your dedicated coach. The app also includes a multitude of daily tasks to help you stay on track, such as meditating, getting cardio/steps in, drinking water, getting adequate sleep, and stretching.


3-Month Transformation Package - $1500

Jumpstart Your Journey to a Better You

Our 3-Month Transformation Package is perfect for individuals who want to see noticeable changes quickly. This package is designed to ignite your metabolism and start transforming your body in just 90 days.

Best For:

  • Beginners looking to establish a solid fitness foundation.

  • Bodybuilders aiming to break through plateaus and fine-tune their physique.

  • Anyone needing a motivational boost to jumpstart their fitness routine.


6-Month Metabolic Optimization Package - $2500

Deepen Your Commitment for Lasting Change

The 6-Month Metabolic Optimization Package offers a balanced approach to intensive support and sustainable progress. Over six months, we will optimize your metabolism, sculpt your physique, and build lasting habits.

Best For:

  • Intermediate fitness enthusiasts ready to elevate their training.

  • Bodybuilders seeking a mid-term plan to enhance muscle growth and prepare for competitions.

  • Those aiming for significant physical transformation and long-term habit formation.


1-Year Ultimate Transformation Package - $4500

Achieve Your Ultimate Fitness Goals

The 1-Year Ultimate Transformation Package is for those dedicated to achieving peak physical condition. This comprehensive package supports serious fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders in making dramatic and lasting changes to their physique and overall health.

Best For:

  • Advanced fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders committed to reaching their full potential.

  • Individuals with long-term goals and the drive to achieve profound results.

  • Those seeking a comprehensive, year-long partnership for total body transformation.


I know you want more than anything to be your greatest and best self.  You want all the results you ever dreamed of having!


I’m telling you right now, there’s is no coaching agency or person that can get you there faster and more efficiently (while still staying healthy and injury-free) than me!


Nothing is more priceless than your health and having the ability to fully enjoy your life. When you look your best, you feel your best, and live your best life!  Let’s do this.

Play to watch and hear HOW Jesse will train you to help you make an incredible transformation.

Listen to Jesse explain his unique and highly effective tool for achieving results and lasting health.

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